I was asked what motivates Me to stand for the nsw senate COLUMN k.
Meg Explained, " 1. It was that the stimulus money was not given to long term unemployed. That was so unfair.
2. When I sat in a cafe and saw an older woman stealing lettuce and foodscraps from a vacated table.
I bought her a lunch, but I know I didn't do enough, and I know why she was desperate. Even though the pension has been increased,
the cost of affordable housing has increased at a higher rate.Landlords of boarding houses raised their rents so much that pensioners are left with about $30.00 a week to feed themselves.Cheap rental flats are now almost impossible to find. We must fund more public housing, and assist those who stay in their own homes. The stimulus money should have been spent on housing, in particular, social housing. many of hte free standing housing commission homes could be rebuilt as a block of four flats, and giving more people low cost housing. There are many others to be addressed,including climate change, transport and infrastructure, health and education.
Both Meg and June are ex Democrats, now independents, and both are concerned for the future of Australia. "We call ourselves the 2 OWLS - 2
older,wiser ladies" Meg said yesterday. You can see our pictures on our blog called Http://megansampson.blogspot.com and on twitter and facebook as both meg4sensampson and Megamoneybox.Meg Sampson stood for Cunningham in 1990 and almost won the seat, missing by
only 1.5%. Both Meg and June have ben interested in Politics for over 30 years, and June is showing her support as a 2nd on the ticket. They are both on low incomes, and therefor have no budget for advertising etc. They have directed the AEC to do a 3 way split ticket, equally between Labor,Liberal and the greens.
Current concerns:Meg says "Gilllard and Swan have painted themselves into a corner, with the Miners RSPT/PRRT. They should have raised the royalties or simply just removed some of the tax deductions. That would then have given the
country more tax income. Instead they did a classic "Pattern Bargaining" technique. Pick a vulnerable company or sector, get an agreement, then take that agreement to others as a blueprint. . goto my http://noresourcetax.blogspot.com to read more. So what sector will be next? Tax on churches and charities?
The election will be 21.08.10, and just a 2.5% swing against labor will translate into defeat. (except for the green vote and swap for 2nd preferences. even so, the greens seem to be taking labor ground rather than liberal national party) Right now we have an angry electorate. especially in the over 65 yrs, ie 20% of the voters. These voters are usually very reticent in changing sides, but right now they are rebelling, like teenagers.
Meg commented, "Everywhere we go on the campaign hustings, older people are now much more vocal. 20 years ago they were loyal, and reluctant to discuss how they would vote. 20 years ago they stuck to their class roots. But not now.
Labor has destabilised the country, (our stable reputation) they have lost the basic Aussie view of fairness, (no stimulus was given to the long
term unemployed!) Labor abandoned the high moral ground on climate change, (yet still announced another talkfest!) They oversaw 4 deaths and more fires in insulation debacle.. PLUS labor condoned a total rip -off in the schools funding... with tuck shops the size of cubby houses and most priced like marijuana mansions! Some costed at $25,000 per sq metre instead of $1,000.00 per sq metre. That won't be forgotten by every P and C forget the waste, when they are asked again to raise funds for school equipment.
Our retirees, superannuates and pensioners will struggle to pay higher electricity costs, and find affordable housing. (over 105,000 people are
homeless each night) We are selling off our houses and farms to overseas owners, while our rising homeless live in their old cars.
Now Labor will even buy back your old car for $2,000.00 but ONLY if you can afford a new one! If they've got an old bomb, it's because
they can't afford a new one! Pensioners will soon be living in their garages or old cars while they rent out the house. Just to make ends meet. Labor
has abandoned all it stood for. Labor is the new Liberals, the Liberals are the new Labor and the greens will be so purist that no one will be able to
use a natural gas heater because it's not renewable. so Vote for Independents first- and for us in Column K in the senate.Then for your other choice. If you simply tick the box for Column K in the senate, the AEC (The Australian Electoral office) will do a 3 way split ticket,
so your vote won't be wasted.
Don't forget that there is no need for pamphlets! The Australian Electoral office will print a booklet with all the preferences and it will
be in the voting booth. Just look at how much paper (and trees) the so-called Green parties will waste! do the right thing, make up your own mind and
refuse a pamphlet! Let's stop the Santa Claus spending! Let's look after our country and it's small businesses, it's poor and the disadvantaged. This is your opportunity to get it right".
Ph 0432885510 / 02 42 285774 Authorised by Megan Sampson Silent elector address, Wollongong NSW
email msmegansampson@gmail.com and Http://Megansampson.blogspot.com
blog at http//:megansampson.blogspot.com twitter as meg4sensampson or Megansampson and Megamoney, youtube as megamoneybox and facebook as megan sampson
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