Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm greener than green..and the election preferences

I watched the mining industry's valiant efforts in the media recently,
but the Greens senate victory looks a certainty.
While I consider myself green, I'm not a fanatic. I want to see blue gen generators which use gas, and any other cheaper methods used.+solar and wave. Wind turbines seem good but are not the answer unless they are installed in windy areas away from people. I've even planted 18 trees to minimise my footprint and written blogs and articles to encourage people to live simply.

I and and my other independent team member, June Hinchcliffe, nominated
for the senate NSW, and drew col K.We are both older wiser ladies, with university degrees. We can still walk , talk read and write!

We actually gave a 3 way split ticket to each labor, lib and greens equally.
They all knew our intention, that we would "do the right thing",
but none gave us anything below 24th place.

Both of us are on low incomes and using any borrowed money for advertising
is out of the question.

Without funds for advertising, or enough mining companies to re send our
emails and blog info, a win is not probable.

If you go to Anthong greens blog or and study the
senate pref. you will see what I mean.

I have continued working on the and other
twitter and facebook, but right now, with no advertising or meaningful
funds, it looks to me as labor in nsw senate2, libs 3, and greens 1.

Without more effort the greens and Labor will win all the senate seats.
This means disaster for the mining industry. and nationally a greens held

I have been a political strategist, and cannot see any hope of the miners
defeating the mining tax,
unless they tell voters to vote for specific independent candidates.
(current liberal votes will remain good, but it is the "swinging voters" who
need a voice- (they usually won't cross over to the liberals because of rigid
loyalty or class).

Mining tax ads don't say who to vote for.. therefore they are not
delivering an understandable direction or outcome.
and worse,
Bob Brown is more determined than labor, in making the miners pay more tax.
He sees this issue as a moral victory.
I see it as a moral hazard. and political thuggery and damaging to our

I have done what I said I would do, and I know my continued further efforts
over the next 3 weeks will not deliver the desired outcome, without help.
but I will keep on.

Can you please ask your ad manager to support us in your advertising, and
on-send our email and blog addresess to all mine workers nationally and in

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