Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wikileaks when Julian runs for the senate

I posted about Julian in dec 2010 , and now in march 2012, Julian Assange - from Wikileaks, has said he will run for the senate.

Run. Julian Run..

Will he bring down this government, just as I said?
Maybe. Perhaps they will go anyway.
The Queensland elections held on 24.3.12 was an absolute disaster for Labor.
Labor suffered the biggest defeat in Australian Political history.

The rise in energy costs, the constant harping about Tony Abbot, the lack of postive confidence building direction, the carbon tax, the mining tax, and all the poltical positioning re Kevin Rudd. Not to mention the waste and constant spending. The schools tuck shops were rorted while more than 100,000 people are homeless and sleeping in their cars (just in NSW).

More public housing would have at least brought in rent. or better still let them pay the house off at a very low interest.

There would have been a benefit to communities especially if built near big rural towns.

Should I mention the banks?

Should I say that a reduction in negative gearing would bring down the price of houses, and make home ownership affordable?

The above issues have all added to the
disgust with this government.

There's been no consultation with the voters, I could even add, no respect for the wishes of Australians.

Even the solar energy subsidy was thrown out, yet holden received 275 million (approx) assistance just for putting their hand out, which they will do again.

Not to mention this government's refusal to assist wikileaks.

I could add more, but I won't. I can't be bothered.

I'm one of the small ten percent (called swinging voters) who change their vote and who create change. a 16% swing away from labor last saturday showed that more and more people are willing to vote for change.

Change is onthe way.
